How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
In a believer’s ear!
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.
It makes the wounded spirit whole,
And calms the troubled breast;
’Tis manna to the hungry soul,
And to the weary, rest.
Dear Name, the Rock on which I build,
My Shield and Hiding Place,
My never failing treasury filled
With boundless stores of grace!
By Thee my prayers acceptance gain,
Although with sin defiled;
Satan accuses me in vain,
And I am owned a child.
Jesus! my Shepherd, Husband, Friend,
O Prophet, Priest and King,
My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,
Accept the praise I bring.
Weak is the effort of my heart,
And cold my warmest thought;
But when I see Thee as Thou art,
I’ll praise Thee as I ought.
Till then I would Thy love proclaim
With every fleeting breath,
And may the music of Thy Name
Refresh my soul in death!
Well the past week has been one filled with emotional ups and downs and remembering the sweet name of Jesus has continued to be a comfort to me. After a routine Dr visit last Friday, I was sent to the hospital for observation and testing. On Saturday I was diagnosed with preeclampsia. From what the doctors tell me, it is a mysterious illness. They really don't know what causes it. My doctor said that the reason they started prenatal care was to catch preclampsia. Basically my kidneys, for some unknown reason, do not hold in the protein they should and this in turn can start affecting other organs as well as the placenta. There are other symptoms that accompany preeclampisa, but right now I am feeling fine, and Graham is doing great. The doctors are telling me I am sick, but I would have no way of knowing it if it weren't for the tests! The only cure for preeclampsia is delivery, so I am just being monitored and having tests run daily to see how the disease progresses. I'm glad there is a cure, but unfortunately that means that Graham might have to be delivered any day now. I've been shocked, I've been frustrated, I've been scared and I've also been encouraged during the past week. I never dreamed of having a baby at 32 weeks. Jeff and I have talked to several doctors including the neonatologist and they have all been very optimistic about the outcome. If he is born this week, he will have to spend some time in the NICU....most likely about a month. If he is born in two more weeks, he might only have to spend a few days in the hospital or as much as a month. It's really hard for them to know exactly what condition he will be in, but the longer they can't wait for delivery, obviously the better. Although it's not exciting sitting in a hospital bed all day, every day I'm here is a day that Graham grows and develops. At this point, it is a waiting game, and at some point it will become clear to the doctors that they need to deliver Graham. For those of you who have been praying, who have called, and who have come to just keep me company, I am so thankful. One of my doctors said that God has a way of speeding up the lung development in babies with preeclampsia....knowing that they will have to be born early. Babies in mothers with preeclampsia are more developed at 32 weeks that babies in mothers who do not have preeclampsia. With the steroid shots, a baby at 34 weeks can often do as well as a full term baby. How amazing is that! I'm really hoping I can get to 34 weeks, but if not, Graham will be in good care at the hospital. Keep praying for us, and I will try to keep you informed as things progress.
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4 years ago
I will be praying for you and graham. I know you can do it just relax and let everyone do everything for you!!!!!! I know I'm 6 hours away but please call if you need anything.
Praying praying praying, little mama! What a beautiful hymn, by the way.. one of my favorites.
We are praying for your sweet little family! Please call us if we can do anything or if we can pray more specifically for yall. We love yall!
hey jen- wish i could be a friend that lived nearby to come and visit. i am thinking and praying for you guys! your trust in God's grace is provoking!
sweet jen! we are praying for Graham's safe arrival! your 34 weeks today! hooray!! i can't wait for ruby and graham to meet and become little best buddies :).
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