2 Blondes and a Ginger

2 Blondes and a Ginger

Friday, May 8, 2009

Splish Splash I Was Taking A Bath

Splish Splash I was taking a bath.....in Graham's pee that is. Yes, If you have ever been around baby boys for very long, you know what I am talking about. A few days ago I got a bath ready for Graham in the kitchen sink. I usually run the water and then take Graham back to the changing table in his room to take off his clothes and his diaper. Graham is quite skilled at peeing in the bathtub, so I usually don't have to worry about him getting me wet before we get to the tub. This day, however, was quite a special day. Just in case Graham did decide to go to the bathroom before we got to the tub, I carried him facing away from me during the quick trip from his room to the kitchen. I was just about to set him down in the bathtub when I noticed something shooting up above my head. Silly me did not make the connection right away. I looked down to see what was happening and the pee that had once been shooting over my head was then shooting into my mouth....yes, i said it.... into my mouth. I threw Graham in the bathtub (actually I very gently put him in the tub) and surveyed the damage. Pee on my face and all down my shirt. I looked at the culprit and he was just giggling like he knew exactly what had just been done. What's a mom to do? I guess you just smile back and keep on trekking knowing there will probably be a crazier "My baby peed on me" story in the days to come.

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